About us / Rólunk
Állatszeretettel genetikailag súlyosan terhelt családból származom. Gyermekkorom óta a kutyák és lovak közelsége iránti leküzdhetetlen vonzódásom irányította legfontosabb döntéseimet.
Agráregyetemet végeztem, versenyszerűen lovagoltam, a „civil” életben, egy állami gazdaságban főállattenyésztőként, majd ménesvezetőként dolgoztam, ahol angol telivér versenylovak tenyésztése volt a fő feladatom. Az első pointert egy kiállításon pillantottam meg, szerelem volt első látásra! Lenyűgözött nemessége, eleganciája, kedvessége, telivér versenylóhoz való hasonlatossága! Hosszú hónapokig tartott, mire találtam Angliában egy kennelt, akik hajlandóak voltak Magyarországra exportálni egy pointer kölyköt / csak személyes kapcsolatra sikerült/ és egy csere partnert, akik anyagi lehetőségek híján egy magyarfajta kölyökért azt elcserélnék. Végül 1972-ben megérkezett a várva-várt pointerem Eastlands Telstar Jeff, cserébe a komondor kölyökért Óhegyi Dunáért, aki Anglia első komondora volt. Bár Jeff, mint kiállítási kutya nem váltotta be reményeimet, csodálatos természete örökre a fajtához kötött, közben pedig rálátásom nyílt a „pointer világra” és Anglia többi kennelére. Rátaláltam a 30-as években alapított, világhírű, „dual-purpose” Crookrise kennelre, ahonnan 1982-ben importáltam Crookrise Pablót, majd 1985-ben Crookrise Salient-et és As-t, a Crookrise vonalú kant Jugoszláviából. . . |
I graduated from Agricultural College, competed as a show-jumper, earned my living by working for a state-owned agricultural co-operative in charge of animal husbandry. Later in my career I was Head of Section at a stud farm, where we were breeding English thoroughbreds.
I saw my first pointer at a dog show: it was love at first sight! I was bowled over by its refined looks, its elegance, its gentle nature, - the way it resembled the fine lines of a thoroughbred horse. It took me months of painstaking work to find a kennel in England prepared to export a pointer puppy to Hungary. I was successful only because I had a private recommendation. I also found a willing partner who was prepared to receive a puppy of one of the Hungarian breeds in exchange, instead of having to find the hard currency - so difficult to come by, in those days - as straightforward payment for my pointer. Eventually, after a long time of excited expectations, my first pointer puppy, Eastlands Telstar Jeff, arrived in 1972, - in exchange for a komondor puppy, Ohegyi Duna, the first ever komondor to become an English "citizen". Jeff, as a show-dog, did not fulfil my expectation, - but it was through him, through his remarkable character that I was inextricably bound to this breed. It was through Jeff that I gained full insight into the pointer world and got to know other UK kennels as well.. . |
Pabló kiváló munkakutya és kiváló örökítő volt, óriási hatása volt és van ma is a magyarországi pointer állományra. Salient és As szintén, ezen felül számomra addig elérhetetlennek tűnő kiállítási sikerekhez segítettek hozzá, sokszoros Cacib, Fajtagyőztes, Klubgyőztes, Best in Show címeket értek el, itthon és külföldön egyaránt.
A kiváló munkakészségű pointerek mellett könnyű volt beletanulni a vizslafélék munka feladataiba. A mai napig elvarázsol a hihetetlen tempóban, magasra tartott orral kereső pointer látványa, amint a vad szagcsóvájába kerülve hirtelen szobor mereven, minden izmát megfeszítve megáll! 1982-ban bírói vizsgát tettem, küllem és munkabíróként is. |
came across the world famous Crookrise Kennel, founded in the
1930s. It was from this kennel that I imported Pablo in 1982,
then in 1985 Crookrise Salient and, from Jugoslavia, As,the
half Crookrise. Pablo was an outstanding working dog and an
outstanding pool of genes - he had, and still has today, an
amazing influence on the quality of Hungarian-bred pointers. Together
with Salient and As they secured me an hitherto unobtainable
succession of show results: they won many CACIB, Best of Breed,
Club Winner and Best in Show titles at home and abroad.
Pointers have an incredible ability for hard work, - alongside this remarkable breed it was not difficult to gain more and more knowledge about the working practices of gundog breeds. To this day I am enthralled by the sight of the searching pointer running at unbelievable speed, with his nose high in the air - only to come to a sudden, tense stand, his body perfectly still, as if carved from marble, having picked up the scent of game! |
A 3 Crookrise pointerre alapozva kezdtem meg komolyabb tenyésztői munkámat, és azóta is ezeket a vonalakat használom. Nem importáltam újabb kutyát, gondosan megválasztott fedeztetésekkel igyekeztem vért frissíteni, a számomra kívánatos tulajdonságokat megszerezni, de mindig visszatérek az eredeti kutyákhoz, illetve utódaikhoz.
Tenyész célom az úgynevezett dual purpos /kettős hasznosítású/ pointer, amely úgy a kiállítási ringben, mint a munka közben megállja a helyét. Nagy gondot fordítok kutyáim egészségére, és temperamentumára is, nagyon fontos számomra, hogy kutyáim kiegyensúlyozottak, könnyen kezelhetőek, kellemes családi kutyák legyenek. Kevés alom születik nálam, csak akkor tervezek újabb almot, ha úgy érzem, hogy az utódok jobbak lesznek a szüleiknél és kellő számú ”pointer gazdának való” érdeklődő van a kölykökre. Kutyáimat kiállításra és munkára is saját magam készítem fel és mutatom be. Soha nincs 7-8 pointernél több egy időben itthon, mert csak annyi kutyát szeretek tartani, amennyivel egyénileg tudok foglalkozni |
In 1982 I got my qualifications to work as a judge in both, show and work, categories.
I started to breed pointers using the original three imported dogs - and I have been using the same line since. I have never imported another dog - instead I carefully choose breeding partners for my dogs in an attempt to introduce fresh blood-lines and to obtain new characteristics I judge to be desirable. I always return to the off-spring of the original dogs. I wish to breed "dual purpose" pointers - dogs that would do well in the field and in the show ring too. I pay particular attention to the temperament and physical well-being of my dogs as I put great emphasis on my dogs being well-balanced and easy to handle. My kennel only produces a few litters - I never plan to add another litter, unless I feel that the new puppies will have better qualities than those of their parents and only when I can guarantee that each puppy will go to caring new owners. I prepare all my dogs for shows and field trials myself. At the kennel I only have have 7 or 8 dogs at any one time, - as I like to train all the dogs myself. |
Büszke vagyok rá, hogy a számos Magyar Champion cím mellett, Irországban, Németországban, Lengyelországban, Hollandiában, Belgiumban, Kanadában,USA-ban és Dél-Afrikában is vannak champion pointereim, számos fiatal és felnőtt Európagyőztes, Világgyőztes, Best in Show pointer került ki a kennelből. Sáregresi Classic Point, a fajta hazájában, Angliában resCC címet kapott. Utódai között angol SHCH és FTCH " címet elértek vannak ami nem fordult elő fajta hazájában az utóbbi 50 évben. Sáregresi Onset, lánya Sáregresi Passionate és Sáregresi Casanova Dual-Championok, az Inter Champion cím mellett elérték a Munka-Champion címet is. Rajtuk kívül is több Sáregresi Pointer ért el CACT azaz FT győztes címet. Crookrise Pablóval kétszer, három saját tenyésztésű pointerrel Gillel, Speedy Snowmannal és Casanovával is tagja voltam a Vizsla Világbajnokságon részt vett magyar csapatnak. Sajnos 2010-ben balesetet szenvedtem, ami miatt munka versenyeken indulni és kiállításokon felvezetni már nem tudok, de fiam Balázs és a barátaim segítségével továbbra is részt veszek kutyáimmal ezeken. 1998-ban megalapítottuk az önálló Magyar Pointer Clubot, amelynek elnöke voltam 2014-ig. Visszavonulásom után az igen megtisztelő Tiszteletbeli Elnöknek választottak meg. Sok szép kutyás feladatot kaptam az évek folyamán, voltam a Magyar Ebtenyésztők Egyesületének Elnökségi tagja, hosszú évekig tagja, majd elnöke a Magyar Vadászkutya Munkabírói Testületnek. A Magyar Kennel Klubot képviseltem az FCI Angol Vizsla Bizottságban és a Vizsla Világbajnokság Szervezõ Bizottságában, majd 2013-ban ezt a feladatot is átadtam a fiatalabb generációnak, így minden szabadidőmet a kutyáimnak szentelhetem ! Tulajdonosa vagyok az ARANYKOSZORÚS MESTER VEZETŐ és ARANYKOSZORÚS MESTER TENYÉSZTŐ címnek, azonkívül 2 alkalommal kaptam MEOE ARANYKOSZORÚS JELVÉNYT a Magyar Kennel Klub elnökétől. 2018- ban elsőként megkaptam az id. Jilly Bertalan emlékérmet a MEOESZ elnökétől, vadászkutyás tevékenységem elismeréséül, mint vezető, bíró,VTBT tag és elnök. |
I am rather proud of the fact that alongside many Hungarian Champions there are Champions in Ireland, Germany, Poland, Holland, Belgium,USA ,Canada and South Africa, - from my kennel. Sáregresi Kennel produced many European and World Champion, Best in Show pointers. Sáregresi Classic Point won res CC in England the mother land of the pointers.His offsprings earns the tittle ShCH and FTCH as well. Sáregresi Onset, his daughter Sáregresi Passionate and Sáregresi Casanova are Dual-Champions they are holders of both titles: International Champions and Field Trial Champions. There are many Saregresi pointers beyond them with FT winner CACT Title. I was part of the Hungarian National Team with Crookrise Pablo 2 times and my three homebreed dogs Gill, Speedy and Casanova, taking part in the Pointing Dog World Championship. Unfortunately I suffered an accident in 2010, and I can't show and work with my dogs myself anymore. With the help of my son Balázs and my friends I continue to attend these events. In 1998 we established the Hungarian Pointer Club. I was elected to be the President till 2014. After my resignation I was elected Honorary President. I have received many prestigious job over the years, I was the member of the HKC Presidentum the member for long years and later the President of the Working Gundog Judges Comitee. I represented Hungary in the FCI Brittish Pointer Comitee and I was the member of the Word Championship Comitee, but in 2013 I also gave this position to the younger generation,so I can stay all of my free time with my dogs! I own the GOLDEN AWARDED MASTER GUNDOG TRAINER and GOLDEN AWARDED MASTER BREEDER titles and 2 times got the HKC GOLDEN AWARD from the president of the Hungarian Kennel Klub. In 2018 I’ve got the newly established Sr.Jilly Bertalan award on the occasion of the Hungarian Kennel Club’s General Assembly. Recognizing my decades of activity as gun dog trainer, judge, comitee member and chairman. Sr. Jilly Bertalan was a legendary personality of the Hungarian Gundog Cynology and the owner of the famous " of Gödöllő " Pointer Kennels. |
Cikkek / Articles
Who is the breeder ?
In legal terms a “ breeder “ is the person who owns the bitch to be bred from – while, in reality, a “ breeder “ should be much, much more than just a simple “ owner “.
A real “ breeder “ is someone who devotes time and energy to create a new generation of dogs that will be better, more physically perfect and healthier than previous generations. The real breeder works tirelessly towards this aim, for ever educating himself/herself. The real breeder is for ever scouring the antiquarian bookshops, spends many hours surfing the web, analyses pedigrees, visits dog shows and trials near and far, spends days never leaving the side of a new litter…
The real breeder plans each litter hoping for “ better, nicer, healthier “ puppies – instead of wishing “ to play families “ ( although the first 8 weeks of the new litter’s life he/she will hardly leave the new family by itself, and should be enjoying every moment of this experience! ). The real breeder does not calculate how to reach the greatest possible financial profit with the least amount of work. To do so is PROPAGATION, not breeding.
The rules applying to the breeding of other animals apply to the breeding of dogs too – with one, most important, extra dimension: the breeder, while striving to create better, nicer, healthier dogs, is also creating a FRIEND and COMPANION for the future owners of these animals. This principle of selection guides me when choosing healthy, easy-to-handle, “easy-to-live-with“ dogs to breed from.
A breeder should be the fairest judge of the real qualities of his/her dogs, - should never be “blinkered“ in their favour. Hard decisions have to be made when choosing the candidates for breeding. This process, needless to say, should never involve cruelty by killing the dogs deemed not worthy of breeding from. Those animals have to be given a good life – while the breeder also has to make sure these dogs will not be used for future breeding.
When a breeder follows all the important guidelines year after year most litters will produce dogs worthy of the highest praise.
Even the best breeders, however, can sometimes produce offspring with less than perfect characteristics. These problems have to be acknowledged, and we have to learn from them.
The breeder does absolutely everything to provide for his/her dogs. The dogs are given all possible comfort to achieve their best and to feel well. Individual, tiled kennels – that are so often proudly shown off – are not necessary. Plenty of exercise, wide open spaces and the company of humans and other dogs, however, are.
The breeder has to select with great care which dog is allowed to mate with the bitch and whom the resulting puppies are sold to. The new owners will define the breeder’s success!
The breeder has to keep in touch with the new owners, offering counsel and monitoring each dog’s development.
The breeder is responsible for each animal created through the breeder’s selection – would that be a “World Champion“, a dog with bad bite, or were it a dog that ended up in a dogs’ home!
A breeder qualifies to be called “ breeder “ after the first litter has been produced, provided all the guidelines were strictly adhered to. The fact is, however, that at least 3-4 litters are necessary to gain enough knowledge and experience – to see the results of all the careful work and personal achievement. Knowledge can be attained, experience can be gained, while “ breeder instinct “ is a highly individual quality that can not be learned - a BREEDER has to be born with it.
Luck also has to play its part in the successful breeding process!
To aspire to be a good breeder – at least with the breeds I am most familiar with- is an activity to guarantee maximum effort with minimum profit.
I would not pass judgement on anybody asking extortionate prices for a puppy, or on someone prepared to sell an adult dog – but I consider it a criminal act when a breeder does not check out rigorously the future owners, or is prepared to offload the rest of the litter or any of the older dogs to anybody, just to be rid of them!
A true BREEDER can hardly charge a high enough sum for each of the puppies to make breeding dogs a profitable activity. After all, by the time the puppies are sold the breeder made heavy investments by buying the right stock, by keeping the dogs in a healthy environment, by feeding them well, by paying the vet’s fees and all the health certificates, by taking the dogs to shows, by training the dogs, by entering them in field trials… The list is endless. The true breeder never actually counts the cost – this is not why he/she decided to become a breeder.
The true breeder simply follows the path, - a path that is often paved with disappointment and failure. The moment success is achieved the jealousy of other breeders will raise its head, but…
There will be moments is the breeder’s life when all the hard work and all the problems turn to triumph and delight. - When a new owner telephones to say how happy they are with their dog, how they always dreamt about having a dog just like it! When a much coveted champion title is awarded in a foreign exhibition! When, having excelled at an international field trial, breeder and dog are standing side by side on the highest platform of the podium, and the National Anthem is played in their
honour. When, after years of nerve wrecking effort, one of the dogs earns the title of “ World Champion” – and even the great grand mother if this dog was one’s own breedin.....
Pointer Worldwide 2014
Nagy öröm és megtiszteltetés számomra, hogy pointerekkel eltöltött 40 év után én kaptam felkérést a PWW harmadik kiadás előszavának megírására.
Ez alatt a 40 év alatt a pointeres világ nagyot változott és mind jobban nemzetközivé lett. A fajta standard adó országából a világ minden tájára szétszóródott, egykoron egységes állományból, földrészek, országok szerint különböző típusok alakultak ki, amelyek néha eltávolodtak az eredeti standardtól. A tenyésztők csak hosszú napok alatt megérkező levelekkel tudtak kommunikálni egymással, ritkán volt lehetőség más tenyésztők kutyáit legalább fényképeken meglátni. Az utóbbi években hihetetlen mértékben felgyorsult a kommunikáció, lebomlottak a határok. Az internet segítségével jól megismerhetjük egymás kutyáit, pár órán belül értesülhetünk a kiállítási és munka eredményekről, együtt izgulunk , hogy egy-egy izgalmas párosítás sikeresen megvalósuljon, naprakészen láthatjuk a kölykök fejlődését, megosztozhatunk barátainkkal bánatunkban szeretett társunk elvesztésekor. Ténylegesen barátai lehetünk egymásnak több ezer kilométeres távolságok ellenére! Ezek a lehetőségek nemcsak barátságokat szülnek, hanem reményeim szerint jobb, egészségesebb, a standardhoz mind jobban közelítő pointereket is! Jó látni, hogy a különböző országbeli tenyésztők mind szélesebb körben használják egymás kutyáit és tenyésztési tapasztalatait és az extremitásokat elhagyva a különböző típusok közelednek egymáshoz és az eredeti standardhoz. Soha se szabad elfelejtsük, hogy fajtánk egy vadászkutya, amelynek kiváló tulajdonságait meg kell őriznünk, mert anélkül elveszti karakterét, igazi típusát és testi -lelki egészségét. Nagy öröm számomra, hogy a show tenyésztők napjainkban mind szélesebb körben használnak dual vagy munka vonalú kutyákat is, és megmaradt, sőt megerősödött a dual-pointereket tenyésztők széles köre az egész világon. A Pointer egy nagyon sokoldalú fajta, agility, cani-cross, gomba kereső kutyák dolgoznak sikeresen gazdájuk és maguk nagy örömére. Függetlenül attól, hogy mire használjuk őket, a legnagyobb értékük, hogy mellettünk vannak, hozzátartoznak a családhoz, sok örömöt és felejthetetlen élményeket kapunk tőlük.
Ünnepeljük a Pointereket evvel a könyvvel 2014-ben is, amely Flo Barker kiváló és fáradhatatlan munkájának eredményeképpen jelenik meg immár harmadik alkalommal.
Questions and answers for the Slovakian Pointer and Setter Club
1. Please tell us something about you and your kennel?
I bought my first pointer in England in 1972 and never thought I need to change the breed. I came across the world famous Crookrise Kennel , from this kennel I imported 3 pointers and I started to breed using the original three imported dogs - and I have been using the same line since. I have never imported another dog - instead I carefully choose breeding partners for my dogs in an attempt to introduce fresh blood-lines and to obtain new characteristics I judge to be desirable. I always return to the off-spring of the original dogs.
I wish to breed "dual purpose" pointers - dogs that would do well in field and in the show ring. I pay particular attention to the temperament and physical well-being of my dogs as I put great emphasis on my dogs being well-balanced and easy to handle. My kennel only produces a few litters - I never plan to add another litter, unless I feel that the new puppies will have better qualities than those of their parents and only when I can guarantee that each puppy will go to caring new owners.
I am rather proud of the fact that alongside many Hungarian Champions there are Champions in Ireland, Germany, Poland, Holland, Belgium, USA and South Africa, - from my kennel. Sáregresi Kennel produced many European and World Champions. Sáregresi Classic Point won res CC in England, the mother land of the pointers, became Irish Champion, and do very well on field trials in Ireland. Sáregresi Onset, his daughter Passionate and Sáregresi Casanova are Dual-Champions they are holders of both titles: International Champions and Field Trial Champions. On four occasions I was part of the Hungarian National Team with Crookrise Pablo and with my three homebreed dogs Gill, Speedy and Casanova, taking part in the Pointing Dog World Championship.
2. Why did you choose this breed and when?
I saw my first pointer at a dog show in 1971, it was love at first sight! I was bowled over by its refined aristocrat looks, its elegance, its gentle nature, - the way it resembled the fine lines of a thoroughbred horse.
3. What do you think about splitting the breed into show and working bloodlines, where do you belong to and why?
My opinion is: to breed pointers that can perform, at least on an elementary level, the tasks the breed was originally used for. I believe if we don‘t „use“ our dogs the breed would suffer by having its basic physical structure modified, its characteristic behaviour altered, its health undermined.
Fortunately, most of the European pointer breeders did not divide their breeding stock into two distinctive groups: neither breeds only show dogs nor only working dogs, as it was the practice in the United Kingdom and in America.
4. How many dogs do you have in your kennels right now, do you plan any new crew members?
Now I have 7 pointers in my kennels, the oldest is 15 the youngest is 3 years old. I have a 9 years old yellow Labrador bitch too.
I think in the next years I’m going to keep in my possession a pup from my breeding.
5. What do you like to show off recently (show, working, breeder’s or other achievements)?
For me showing, working and breeding belong together. I breed pointers, then show and work with them and if they are good enough for my expectation I use them for breeding. The last few years some very honourable interest have been taken in my puppies from reputed foreign breeders, so I’m pleased with my breeding success.
6. Tell us about your dog’s living conditions (in kennel, inside the house, dog room...), food (dry diet, raw meat, homemade diet, …). What about grooming? Do you groom your dogs by yourself or do you prefer grooming saloons?
I have kennels with very big paddocks, I have a dog room and some of my dogs live in the house. They feel very good together, don’t need to keep them separated. The food is various; I feed dry food, raw meat and homemade diet as well.
Luckily, grooming a pointer is a very easy job. The Setter breeds are covered by beautiful long hair, the pointers only need to be covered by hard muscles and shiny, glittering hair, which comes from the good keeping, the balanced diet and lots of galloping. I usually bath my dogs before showing.
7. Do you see any problems and issues in current breeding, which ones do you consider the most important and what is your opinion about them?
I don’t see serious problems. I believe the Pointer is a healthy, long living breed. However to breed dual purpose pointers on high level isn’t easy because it is very difficult to find suitable breeding partners. Being unpopular breed sometimes it is not easy to find really good suitable new homes for the puppies.
8. And last one before the end - which one of your dogs you will never forget about and why?
During my almost 40 years in the Pointer breed I have many nice, successful memories and I’ve had some really wonderful dogs. Almost impossible to mention just one, let me write about three.
CH Crookrise Pablo 1982-1997 import from UK
Pablo became a canine legend in Hungary and in near-by countries by producing litters of outstanding quality in both looks and working abilities. Despite of early reluctance on the part of elderly judges who spent a lifetime working with HPR-s – Pablo managed to win the judges over by simply being a magnificent dog. Always gave his top form, never disappointed whatever conditions he had to work under.
Field Trials were introduced in Hungary in 1980. From that date we compete our pointers mostly on that competitions. Pablo always performed well at these trials. Pointers normally shine in fields , but Pablo was outstanding when working in water, following the 500m forest “blood-track” on All Round competitions too. He was an inborn fanatic retriever.
He became the top sire and top working English gundog in Hungary for long years.
HCH,DCH,NLCH,PLCH Sáregresi Snow White Caroline 1996-2010
EuW, Res WW, Middle –Eu W., 3x Amsterdam W., 3xHungarian Clubwinner, 2x Austrian Clubwinner, 2x German Clubwinner, Slovakian Clubwinner, 3x Best in Show.
She was not only a beautiful, very feminin and aristocratic bitch, but a very special character and a fantastic brood bitch as well.
Almost all of the big success of my kennel connected with Caroline....she is the reason why I mostly have orange and white pointers in my kennel.
ICH, HFTCH Sáregresi Casanova
In 2006 I had a litter with the aim to keep Caroline’s line, and pick up a bitch pup for myself. In that litter there was a boy... a head... an expression which I fell in love with, and which has warmed my heart up every single day till now. He’s become a very successful show dog and sire, but first of all the loveliest character, who is always gentle, kind to everyone and will to please. By the result of our special connection, he won handling by me FT CH title at a very early age, when he was 3 and a half.
He is my „once in my life“ doggy-friend.
Marianne Gyárfás
Sáregresi Pointer Kennels
DOGFORSHOW 2016. 04. 20.
, ·
We did really nice interview for you.
DOGFORSHOW: Dear Marianne, thanks for your time and the opportunity. We are glad and highly appreciate that we can make an interview with someone who has been working for her whole breeding career to breed not just beautiful and successful showdogs, but healthy dogs with good characters who work passionately on the field – just like us, the DOGFORSHOW team.
I think the Sáregresi kennel is one to remember: Multiple Champion titles from all over the world, Best in Show winners on numerous World and European winners have been shining during the past 40 years.
Would you be so kind and tell us how it has started?
Marianne: This is my pleasure to present the Sáregresi kennel. How it has started? Probably the beginning of the story is in genetics as my parents, grandparents always kept and loved animals. Storms of history took me to the 3rd floor of a tenement house in Budapest and however since I can remember I have always wanted a dog, my dream came true only at my age of 10 when I got a fix terrier mix puppy. I was really happy to have him, we went everywhere together, I taught all the possible tricks. I started secondary grammar school, riding horses in competition level, and I was accepted to the Agriculture University in Gödöllő, so I didn’t have time to become more involved in dogs. Although I went to almost all of the dogshows, as my mother, who spoke multiple languages usually interpreted on shows for foreign judges. During my graduation year I started to think of buying a beautiful purebred dog, had many different kind of breeds in mind when I finally spotted a POINTER! A beautiful English import dog, aristocratic similar to a thoroughbred horse and very kind but not too intrusive. It was love at first sight, and I know exactly right in that moment it is the only breed I need, and I still feel the same after 47 years.
However my first pointer was an English import, I started my show career absolutely not successfully. We got ‘Good’ and ‘Very Good’ qualifications with my first dog, ‘excellent’-s with my second and with my third we gained some CAC, res CACIB titles and he fulfilled the requirements of Hungarian Championship. I tried to learn everything about the breed on both working and show sides, this way I found the world wide known Crookrise Kennel from where I imported 2 dogs, Crookrise Pablo and Crookrise Salient and lately I was able to import a half Crookrise dog from the former Jugoslavia, namely As. All these 3 dogs were extremely successful on shows, field and breeding, I based my main breeding lines on them. Since then I haven’t imported any more dogs and probably I never will. I have never became excited to buy a really successful dog or promising puppy, I only appreciate dogs bred by me.
It was clear for me from the very first moment that pointers are gundogs, I have never forgotten it during breeding or training. I do believe that the pointer who hasn’t been tried in working for generations or not suitable for this purpose slowly loose its purpose, character, physical and mental health. Unfortunately nowadays the show and working lines separated more and more, in USA we can talk about two different breeds.
DOGFORSHOW: What do you consider as the highlights of your breeding, biggest wins and your greatest dogs?
Marianne: It is hard to name all the great results, during these long years we had many special moments in working and show as well… multiple World and European shows where both the bitch and dog winner was ours, res CC title in England from more than 100 pointers, 2nd and 1st prizes in huge classes at Crufts. Best in Shows, many winners all around the world… but I consider as the biggest result that from all over the world if the pointer authorities look on a photo or a dog can say it is a SÁREGRESI!
Nowadays in big pointer kennels lots of dogs can be found and at least 10 litters are born. For me the average number, including the retired dogs, because of course they stay with me for their whole life, is 7-8 pointer and a litter in every 2nd year. I am proud that I could achieve these results with this limited number of dogs.
It is harder to name the greatest dogs, I tried to highlight the ones who has been important in breeding.
1. BKHCH Crookrise Pablo.
He was not a real beauty but excellent working dog and fantastic producer. He had been the top working dog among setters and pointers, and World Gundog Championship member for TWICE. His offspring had been the winners on shows for years. The whole Hungarian pointer population can say a huge thanks to him.
2. A bitch line, of which first member was CH, EW., res WW, 3xAmsterdam Winner, MultiCH, multiple BIS Sáregresi Snow White Caroline of Zamunda.
Her first two daughter WW EW Sáregresi Sally Gold and MultiCH, ICH FT winner, Crufts class winner multiple BIS Sáregresi White Snowy Victory „Borsi”
Borsi’s daughter is EW WW ICH Crufts Class winner Pawprint Cool White Victory „Vic” and this line continues….
3. IRE CH, EW Sáregresi Classic Point, Sally Gold’s son, lives in Ireland. Besides his own amazing show and working successes he writes history! For the last 30 years he is the only one in the UK with show champion and IRE Field Champion offspring.
4. ICH, JEW, res EW, res WW, WW, Dual CH Sáregresi Casanova. He is also Sally Gold’s son. Besides his confirmation results he is an amazing working dog, he was the year’s Top Working dog, orld Championship team member. Excellent producer, his offspring waves the Sáregresi flag inboard and all around the world. At last but not least he is my best friend, the one in a million!
5. Finally the young titan, HShCh, HCh, SkCh, 2xBIS, FT winner Sáregresi Infinite Love In The Mist “Macho”. He is a son of Cool White Victory. After years of looking for a stud dog, one and a half year trying without success a litter was born sired by an English dog (I had been “hunting” for this line for 10 years) with artificial mating. He is not even 3 years old, but seeing his results and character all the hard time payed off, and he will be an important stud male in my kennel.
DOGFORSHOW: When you choose a stud male, what are the most important things for you? What do you think about linebreeding, how high COI do you prefer?
Marianne: Choosing a stud male is the hardest task to do for me. After you reach a quality and you are not breeding to have a litter but, to have a good litter, where the puppies are better than the parents, well, that’s very hard. The basic for me is good confirmation, the dog doesn’t need to be 10xBIS, but something I like and hopefully will correct my bitch’s faults. Besides this the minimum that he can be used for working in basic levels, healthy, all the checks are ok and what is one of the most important things is to have a sound, lovely, easy to control, calm character. I can easily live with a pointer who is not beautiful or not really good but as all the pointers live inside the house with us like family members but I can’t live with one who destroys everything, nervous, shy or “too much”. And not to mention I don’t want to make hard challenges for the owners. Because of this reason I visit personally meet and get to know all the future stud dogs before mating. When I am totally helpless and can’t find any good dogs suitable for my visions, I have used 2x good looking but totally working lines dogs, so far both of these out crosses were successful.
I think from the time when a breeder can found a successful, healthy, good line, line breeding is the method what help to keep and improve it. I still use the same Crookrise lines, which was the foundation for my lines, of course now those dogs are now in the 6th and 7th line. If it is possible I use dogs that are not so strongly connected and when I feel it will be too close genetic connection, I try to find a dog from a different line with the same type but I will use my lines again on those offspring.
DOGFORSHOW: Not just the Sáregresi pointers and Labradors are worldwide known, but You as an excellent judge for more than 30 years. In which countries have you been judging? What is the most important for you when you judge?
Marianne: Yes I have been confirmation and working judge for 30 years. Confirmation judging is a profession for me, which is one of my studied profession, I had judged horses before I judged dogs and I believe it was a good foundation for me. I judge FCI 7 group and retrievers from FCI 8 group. I have been judging in almost all of the European countries including UK, and also in Russia and the USA. I truly loved judging, but nowadays’ all breed international shows are not my cup of tea, I rather judge in small clubshows. I’m not accepting any more requests but I will have two more honours in 2017, in spring I will judge on American Pointer Club National Speciality and in autumn on Australian Pointer Club National Speciality.
During judging for me the most important is the standard (but not what some breeder and country make from that!), type, harmony and movement. Besides this I like when the winner has that little extra that catches the judges’ eye. It is a pleasure to judge such a dog and send it to further competitions. I really don’t like extremities and fashionable styles that can be harmful for the dog’s heath, and when I see that the dog doesn’t enjoy his time in the ring or not prepared well for the shows.
DOGFORSHOW: As far as I know you have always supported and helped junior handlers. How do you see them nowadays? You can see more and more “professional handlers” on Facebook. Do you think junior handlers should be educated?
Marianne: I loved working with juniors and my favourite was the junior handlers’ competition. We found together this “profession” with my son, he did it in a high level at that time, and represented Hungary at Crufts. Lately I am not really following juniors, but previously the main problem was that there was no chance to talk before and after the competition with the kids, tell them what did they wrong or correctly, there was no training for them. I think they would really need it, just like written materials and a separate ring for them for the pre-judgement.
However I do like to see as someone who shows her dog and also as a judge, well presented dogs, professionals as breeder, trainer, judge, handler who gets money for it is not for the “fair play”. I think where money appears these words are faded. Although I know professional handlers, mainly from the elder age group who really does quality work and besides this are kind, friendly and helpful. Unfortunately younger handlers tends to behave like they would like to destroy their rivals, and they see they can only be successful if they behave aggressively. It seems there is no person or association who could stop them.
DOGFORSHOW: Finally I would like to ask you to check our website, DOGFORSHOW and tell us your opinion about it?
Congratulations to DOGFORSHOW team, the site is dynamic, informative youngish. Congratulations, and good luck in the future!